The Teotig Data Base

Liste établie par Téotig des membres du clergé arménien raflés par la police turque à partir du 25 avril 1915 (11 avril 1915). L’original “HOUCHARTZAN ABRIL DASNMEGUI”, édité en 1919.         Compilée à partir de la réédition de “Teotig: Golgatha of the Armenian Clergy” 1921.

The Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem

Azarya’s examination of the delicate symbiosis between the lay and monastic communities is sensitive and sociologically acute. The contrasts of the Armenian quarter shed light on the differences between types of collectives, and illustrate the ways in which people stubbornly accomplish the mingling of what seem incompatible rules for living.


DECLARATION OF ALL ENSLAVED NATIONS OF TURKEY TO THE PUBLIC OPINION OF MANKIND AND EVERY MAN OF GOOD WILL This Publication aims: to attract the attention of mankind to the victimes of turkish atrocities and vandalisms and to perpetutate teh historical memory to those acts, to inform mankind of the policy of Genocide for millions … Leer la continuación