The Republic of Armenia (I)

In 1918, the Armenian people emerged from centuries of foreign domination to establish a small Republic in the russian armenian Provinces of the Caucasus. While the populace struggled for physical survival in a devastated land, armenian Representatives at the Paris Peace Conference appealed for supportive action and the means to extend the boundaries of the … Continued

The Republic of Armenia (II)

The strategic geopolitical position of Transcaucasia, a region that both links and separates teh Russian and Near Eastern spheres, was emphatically demonstrated during the existence of the independant Republics of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, 1918-1921. The three neighboring states, born amidst war and revolution, manifested many common traits and concerns but, Armenia alone had been … Continued

The Armenian Genocide

The publication of “The Armenian Genocide: The World Speaks Out” marks 2005 the 90th year of the attempted annihilation of the Armenian people perpetrated by the Ottoman Turkish Government of 1915. Through the assembly of official documents and declarations of/by the International Community, as the world has shown its growing understanding of the magnitude and … Continued

Les 40 Jours de MUSA DAGH

” Les Quarante Jours du Musa Dagh ” est un des chefs-d’oeuvre du roman historique moderne. Il a pour cadre la Première Guerre mondiale. L’Empire ottoman est l’allié de l’Allemagne. En 1915, dans un climat alourdi par leurs revers dans le Caucase, les Jeunes-Turcs procèdent à la liquidation des élites urbaines arméniennes et des conscrits … Continued