

Testimonio sobre el genocidio cometido por los Turcos contra el pueblo Armenio Publicación de la Comisión Pro Causa Armenia de la América Latina, Buenos Aires, 1975. 97 pages.

The murder of a nation

Published by the Armenian general benevolent union of America, New-York, 1974. 142 pages. “Ambassador Henry Morgenthau’s unimpeachable report concerning the virtual annihilation of the Armenian minority in Turkey during 1915,” originally published in 1918 by Doubleday, page and Company.

An anthology of historical writings on the Armenians Massacres of 1915

Published by Hamaskaïne Armenian Culturel Association Beirut – Lebanon. 1971. 240 pages Table of contents Foreword A testimony by Viscount James Bryce A Testimony by Arnold J. Toynbee the Armenian people and the Ottoman government The deportations of 1915 : antecedents The deportations of 1915 : procedure A testimony by Dr. Herbert Adams Gibbons A … Continued