Biblio Livres

La asociación por la investigación y el archivo de la memoria armenia propone en esta sección una selección amplia de obras que cubren varios temas: historia, geografía, política, religión, diplomacia, poesía, relato, novela, historia del arte e inconografía, biografías, atlas etc
Encontrarán las obras clasificadas para consultar en el lugar y los digitalizados que se pueden consultar en línea.
Esta sección evoluciona constantemente con diferentes documentos agregados regularmente.

Armenia and the near east
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This book describes Nansen’s visit to Armenia and Georgia in 1925. By this time the Communists were firmly in control, both in Moscow and in the outlying states making up the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This excursion provides an interesting contrast with the Russia of the Tsar seen in Siberia – The Land of … Leer la continuación

Armenia and the Armenian question Simon Vratzian 1943
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Translated front The Armenian by James G. Mandalian Hairenik Publishing Company, Boston. 1943. 120 pages. 1 – Armenia et the Armenians 2 – The Armenian Question 3 – Reforms and Massacres 4 – The Revolutionary Movement and the Political Parties 5 – The War, Deportations and Massacres 6 – Events in Transcaucasia 7 – Events … Leer la continuación

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A leading factor in the winning of the War By Garo Pasdermadjian (Armen Garo), Ex-deputy in Turk Parliament; Former Commander 2nd Battalion Armenian Volunteers in Caucasus; Special Envoy to America of His Holiness, the Catholicos. Translated from Armenian by A. Torossian 36 pages. 1919.

Armenia Cyprus
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Test cases for the conscience of humanity. Armenia 1915. Cyprus 1974. By Bishop Nerses Pakhdikian, Vicar-General of the Armenian Church in Cyprus. 24 pages. 1975

An anthology of historical writings on the Armenians Massacres of 1915
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Published by Hamaskaïne Armenian Culturel Association Beirut – Lebanon. 1971. 240 pages Table of contents Foreword A testimony by Viscount James Bryce A Testimony by Arnold J. Toynbee the Armenian people and the Ottoman government The deportations of 1915 : antecedents The deportations of 1915 : procedure A testimony by Dr. Herbert Adams Gibbons A … Leer la continuación

1915 Before and after

Commemorative committee on the 50th anniversary of the Turkish genocide of the Armenians. National Office, Boston, 1965. 16 pages.

1915 Before and after

Commemorative committee on the 50th anniversary of the Turkish genocide of the Armenians. National Office, Boston, 1965. 16 pages.

1915 Before and after

Commemorative committee on the 50th anniversary of the Turkish genocide of the Armenians. National Office, Boston, 1965. 16 pages.

L’Arménie et la Suisse
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Histoire du secours suisse en faveur des Arméniens. Service auprès d’un peuple chrétien. Traduit de l’allemand par Jean Tépélian. La version allemande a été éditée par les Editions de la Croix-Bleue, Berne, 1974. Édition française par M. Pascal Nigoghossian-Nicolan, Villeurbanne, 1986. 343 pages.