The conquered conflicts of my life

“Dedicated to the memory of my beloved father who was among thechief of the cilician martyrs of armenian in 1909, and to the memory of fifteen other martyrs of my immediate relatives in 1915 and 1916”. Published Meshach Paul Krikorian in 1919. 52 pages.

The Armenian genocide

“I dedicate this book in memory of 1.5 million innocent Armenian victims massacred by Ottoman Turkey in 1915” Rafik Sarkissian Compiled and edited by Libarid Azadian and Armen Donoyan. Published by “Navasart” Foundation, Los Angeles, California, 1987. 152 pages.

Armenian massacres and Turkish tyranny

Armenian massacres or the sword of mohammed containing a complete and thrilling account of the terrible atrocities and whole sale murders committed in Armenia by mohammedan fanatics including a full account of the turkish people, their history, government ,manners, customs and strange religious belief by Frederick Davis Greene. To which is added the mohammedan reign … Continued