Martyred Armenia

Martyred Armenia by Fa’iz El-Ghusein bedouin notable of Damascus. An eyewitness account of the mistreatment of the Armenians in the name of Islam. Tankian Publishing Corporation, New-York, 1975. 68 pages. First published in Great Britain by C. Arthur Pearson, Ltd. , 1917.

Story of Near East Relief

“To all who have shared in this humanitarian enterprise”. James Levi Barton was a missionary and executive of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM). Published by The Macmillan Company, New-York, November 1930. 567 pages.

The horrors of Aleppo

Seen by a German eyewitness by Dr Martin Niepage. This memorial edition of the horrors of Aleppo is also designed to commemorate the 60 the anniversary of the Armenian genocide. New Age publishers. New-York. 28 pages.

Armenia and the near east

This book describes Nansen’s visit to Armenia and Georgia in 1925. By this time the Communists were firmly in control, both in Moscow and in the outlying states making up the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This excursion provides an interesting contrast with the Russia of the Tsar seen in Siberia – The Land of … Continued