The murderous tyranny of the turks

published by Hodders & Stoughton 1917. 38 pages. This classic work includes the following chapters: Foreward The Aims of the Allies The Subject Peoples of Turkey The Murderous Tyranny of the Turks: The First Stage The Second Stage: Abd-ul-Hamid The Third Stage: The Young Turks The Armenian Atrocities of 1915 “Radically Alien to Western Civilisation” … Continued

The murder of a nation

Published by the Armenian general benevolent union of America, New-York, 1974. 142 pages. “Ambassador Henry Morgenthau’s unimpeachable report concerning the virtual annihilation of the Armenian minority in Turkey during 1915,” originally published in 1918 by Doubleday, page and Company.

The Clean-Fighting Turk

published by Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & co. , London, 1918. 66 pages. Table of contents Yesterday – 90 years ago – The Crimean war Today – The “clean-fighting” Turk – Turkish treatment of British prisoners Tomorrow