The great events of the Great War

A comprehensive and readable source record of the world great war, emphasizing the more important events, and presenting these as complete narratives in the actual words of the chief officials and most eminent leaders. Presenting documents from government archives and other authoritative sources, without line narratives indices, chronologies, and courses of reading on sociological movements … Lire la suite

The cross and the crescent

The Cross and The Crescent is a remarkably compelling documentation of the murder of 1.5 million men, women and children – civilians – by the Turks in 1915. Avakian, whose own parents had escaped earlier pogroms engineered by the Ottoman Turks, pulls no punches in this highly detailed account that reveals the facts about what … Lire la suite

The Clean-Fighting Turk

published by Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & co. , London, 1918. 66 pages. Table of contents Yesterday – 90 years ago – The Crimean war Today – The « clean-fighting » Turk – Turkish treatment of British prisoners Tomorrow

The Armenian massacre

Excerpt from « The First Genocide of the 20th Century », compiled and illustrated by James Nazer. Documents of the turkish atrocities Published by T & T Publishing, inc. 1970. 50 pages.

The Armenian genocide

« I dedicate this book in memory of 1.5 million innocent Armenian victims massacred by Ottoman Turkey in 1915 » Rafik Sarkissian Compiled and edited by Libarid Azadian and Armen Donoyan. Published by « Navasart » Foundation, Los Angeles, California, 1987. 152 pages.