The murderous tyranny of the turks

published by Hodders & Stoughton 1917. 38 pages. This classic work includes the following chapters: Foreward The Aims of the Allies The Subject Peoples of Turkey The Murderous Tyranny of the Turks: The First Stage The Second Stage: Abd-ul-Hamid The Third Stage: The Young Turks The Armenian Atrocities of 1915 “Radically Alien to Western Civilisation” … Lire la suite

The Clean-Fighting Turk

published by Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & co. , London, 1918. 66 pages. Table of contents Yesterday – 90 years ago – The Crimean war Today – The « clean-fighting » Turk – Turkish treatment of British prisoners Tomorrow

The horrors of Aleppo

Seen by a German eyewitness by Dr Martin Niepage. This memorial edition of the horrors of Aleppo is also designed to commemorate the 60 the anniversary of the Armenian genocide. New Age publishers. New-York. 28 pages.

Armenian massacres and Turkish tyranny

Armenian massacres or the sword of mohammed containing a complete and thrilling account of the terrible atrocities and whole sale murders committed in Armenia by mohammedan fanatics including a full account of the turkish people, their history, government ,manners, customs and strange religious belief by Frederick Davis Greene. To which is added the mohammedan reign … Lire la suite