Armenien 1915
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Was die kaiserliche Regierung den deutschen Untertanen verschwiegen hat ARMENIEN 1915 die abschlachtung eines kulturvolkes durch die Türken. Zeuge von Heinrich Vierbücher. Herausgegeben von Fackelreiter-Verlag, Hamburg,

The murderous tyranny of the turks
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published by Hodders & Stoughton 1917. 38 pages. This classic work includes the following chapters: Foreward The Aims of the Allies The Subject Peoples of Turkey The Murderous Tyranny of the Turks: The First Stage The Second Stage: Abd-ul-Hamid The Third Stage: The Young Turks The Armenian Atrocities of 1915 “Radically Alien to Western Civilisation” … Lire la suite

The great events of the Great War
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A comprehensive and readable source record of the world great war, emphasizing the more important events, and presenting these as complete narratives in the actual words of the chief officials and most eminent leaders. Presenting documents from government archives and other authoritative sources, without line narratives indices, chronologies, and courses of reading on sociological movements … Lire la suite

Hitler and the Armenian genocide
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« Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians? » A. Hitler. Zoryan institute special report number 3. Published by the Zoryan institute for contemporary Armenian research and documentation, 1985, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 86 pages.