Azarya’s examination of the delicate symbiosis between the lay and monastic communities is sensitive and sociologically acute. The contrasts of the Armenian quarter shed light on the differences between types of collectives, and illustrate the ways in which people stubbornly accomplish the mingling of what seem incompatible rules for living.

Notes sur oeuvre :

Victor AZARYA is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Social Anthopology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Informations sur le livre :

Année 1984
Nombre de pages 252
Titre tertiaire Urban Life Behind Monastery Walls
Editeur University of California Press
Ville éditeur Berkeley (California)
Format du support 15x22
Type de colume Relié
Numéro ISBN 978-0520047495
Types de travail

Auteurs :

AZARYA Victor Professeur de sociologie, Hebrew university of Jerusalem, Israël (en 1995)